Shedding (sun)light on foreign illiberal operations: Global research from the National Democratic Institute (above) shows how the impact of illiberal influence ops can be offset by resilient democratic institutions.
No summit for ‘demokratura on the Danube’: Hungary is the only EU member not to have been invited to the Summit for Democracy, notes Timothy Garton Ash. But rights advocates are questioning whether the summit can push invited leaders to take meaningful action.
Democracy assistance a ‘model for enduring competition’: Targeted democracy aid appears to provide ‘more bang for the buck’ than other forms of assistance, according to a new USAID report (below). |
‘Real democracy’ demands behind historic age of protest: Democratic failure is the principal factor behind a tripling in the number of protest movements in less than 15 years, according to a new analysis.
Why Russia instrumentalizes conflict: An ‘existential threat’ explains why the Kremlin uses protracted conflicts in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova to prevent its neighbors’ NATO and/or EU integration, says a report on Russia’s Instrumentalization of Conflict in Eastern Europe.
‘Foreign agents’ laws: authoritarians’ multi-functional tool: Civil society groups are facing new laws aimed at curbing their activities by discrediting them as agents of foreign powers, says the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).
Nicaragua’s ‘slow-motion horror movie’: The weekend’s election was marked by historically high abstention levels and the suppression of political dissent, with nearly 40 civil society and political opposition figures behind bars, a leading democracy advocate writes.
The Russia Challenge: Limited or Resurrected? Timothy Frye (author of Weak Strongman: The Limits of Power in Putin's Russia) and Kathryn Stoner (author of Russia Resurrected: Its Power and Purpose in a New Global Order) discuss the nature and depth of the Russian challenge to the West. November 10, 2021 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM RSVP
Global democracy at risk: What practical steps will guard against threats to democracy? What is the true state of democracy today? What innovations are emerging that might defend our democracies? Join keynote and panelist Kevin Casas-Zamora, Secretary-General at International IDEA, for a preview of the assessment report, Global State of Democracy 2021 (above). 11 November, 11:30 CET. RSVP
Fighting fakes: Defeating the disinformation crisis: The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy hosts a virtual discussion with former Assistant Defense Secretary for Homeland Security and Americas' Security Affairs Paul Stockton; John Ferrari, nonresident senior fellow at AEI; and Elisabeth Braw, senior fellow at AEI. 1 p.m. November 12, 2021. RSVP
China’s Power: Up for Debate: The CSIS China Power Project’s sixth annual will be held as a series of five live online debates. The first debate will take place on November 19 and will feature two experts debating the following proposition: “The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the timeline by which China will surpass the United States to become the world’s leading economic power.” November 19, 9:00 am - 10:15 am. RSVP
Future of Democracy (below): The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry’s high-level forum will address "worrying trends of contracting democratic space and authoritarian entrenchment." Participants will aim to produce concrete measures to help democracies build resilience to authoritarianism and renew democratic cooperation. 19-20 November. RSVP
Creating a ‘Thing of Beauty’: A Celebration of Music and Democracy: “Jazz is a democratic musical form. We take our respective instruments and collectively create a thing of beauty,” said drummer Max Roach. The National Democratic Institute invites you to join its virtual Democracy Gala 2021 to celebrate the connection between music and democracy. NDI will honor pianist and composer Herbie Hancock and hear from musicians from around the world. November 16, 2021. 3:00 PM EST - 4:00 PM EST. RSVP

Georgetown University's Democracy and Governance MA Program is now accepting applications for the 2022-23 year. The MA provides a comprehensive and rigorous program that links theory and practice in ways that speak to careers in government, NGOs and the private sector. Now going on 14 years, this unique program has a large alumni network of activists, analysts and specialists who are making a difference. The program reflects a commitment to a diverse curriculum that blends theory and practice, provides students with focused and relevant training, utilizes Georgetown University’s international expertise and reputation, and provides unique opportunities for practical experience. Further details HERE.
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
Call for Applications: CIPE In-Country Representative and Coordinator, Lebanon
Request for Proposals: Ukraine SME Ethics Support
Program Associate, Middle East and North Africa (Maghreb)
Freedom House
Domestic Opportunities
Communications Specialist, Latin America and the Caribbean
Development Officer or Senior Development Officer
Director of Digital Communications
Director of Evidence and Learning
Editorial Assistant, Associate Editor, or Editor
Policy and Advocacy Officer, Asia
Program Officer - Human Rights Defenders, Emergency Assistance Program
Senior Program Manager, Political Prisoner Initiative
Vice President, Communications
International Opportunities
Chief of Party - Southeast Asia
Program Officer - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Senior Program Associate - Bogota, Colombia
Ukraine Field Office Director - Kyiv, Ukraine
Further vacancies here.
International Republican Institute (IRI)
Program Officer - Women's Democracy Network
Senior Program Manager - South Asia
Resident Program Director - Maldives
Further vacancies here.
National Democratic Institute (NDI)
Vice President, Programs
Resident Country Director (Chief of Party)- Malawi
Resident Deputy Director - Kyrgyzstan
Global Indicator Database Lead
Program Officer: Governance
Senior Program Manager: Eurasia
Program Officer: Political Parties
Program Officer: Middle East and North Africa
Program Manager: Gender, Women and Democracy
Further vacancies here.
National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
Chief of Staff, Office of the President
Program Officer, (Information Space) International Forum for Democratic Studies
Assistant Program Officer, Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
Program Officer/ Assistant Program Officer (APO) Russia
Assistant Program Officer, Center for Int'l Media Assistance (CIMA)
Program Officer, Training and Collaboration
Program Officer, Iraq
Field Coordinator/ Sr. Field Coordinator, Afghanistan Emergency Response
Program Assistant, Europe
Assistant Program Officer/Program Officer for (East Asia)
Communications and Outreach Assistant, World Movement for Democracy
Further vacancies here.
Solidarity Center
Deputy Country Program Director for Central America
Country Program Director for Nepal
Country Program Director, Bangladesh
Co-Director for Equality and Inclusion
Country Program Director, North Africa
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) - DRL Global
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) - USAID Global
Other Vacancies
Country Director, Ecuador, The International Foundation for Electoral Systems
Associate Director, Innovation Lab, Human Rights First (New York, NY, and San Francisco, Bay Area)
Program Officer, Civil Society & Media, International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX), Washington, D.C.
Africa Advocacy Director, Amnesty International USA, Washington, D.C.
Civil Society Program Officer, Swedish International Liberal Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania |
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